Saturday Soapbox #6: YES, I STILL WANT FRIES WITH THAT!!

Earlier this week, I pulled into the drive-thru at my local McDonald’s. Looking at the board, I thought to myself, “Something looks strange. It looks…brighter…” Then I realized that they had changed the menu board. It now had a white background, which is why it was brighter. But there was also something else on it…


I am SO TIRED of the calorie-obsessed world we live in! As if calories are the ONLY thing standing between us and perfect health! Knowing how many calories is in my cheeseburger before I eat it isn’t going to make it any healthier or unhealthier for me! For the love, if you were THAT obsessed with how many calories were in your food, you wouldn’t be eating McDonald’s in the first place!

NEWSFLASH: Fast food places are NOT making America fat. AMERICANS are making America fat! Take some personal responsibility, for crying out loud! Stop whining that McDonald’s is making your family fat while you’re eating dinner sitting in front of the TV! GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME FRESH AIR!!

This stupid new menu is yet ANOTHER means of taking personal responsibility off our plates. It’s supposed to help us make better choices, but if fails because fat or thin, healthy or unhealthy don’t rise or fall by calories alone! There are so many factors beyond just a freakin’ number!

If I ever become one of those people who think, “OK, in order for me to eat one Oreo, I’m going to need to do fifty jumping jacks. If I have a tablespoon of milk with it, then I’ll need to add a ten-minute sprint,” SOMEONE KICK MY ARSE! That’s got to be a miserable way to live! I want to enjoy my food, not be scared of it!

Be smart, but be responsible. That’s all there is to it. Our ancestors didn’t even think about calories. You wouldn’t see frontier women choosing some chef salad over a steak or a bag of apples over a butter-laden baked potato. But they were healthier in most ways than we are. You know why? BECAUSE THEY GOT OFF THEIR BUTTS AND DID STUFF! They worked hard! So stop counting and starting walking! Enjoy your life! Don’t condemn your mind and self-image by stressing over everything that goes in your mouth. What the stress is doing to your body is worse than what those few extra calories would have done.

So with that said, GIVE ME MY FRIES, DANGIT!!!

**This has been a Soapbox Saturday message. The intent of a Soapbox Saturday message is not to offend  or retaliate. It is meant as a light-hearted attempt at airing what ails you. If you would like to have your own Soapbox Saturday featured, email it to Remember Soapbox Saturdays are for entertainment and must not include cursing, crude, derogatory, or malicious content. **