Soapbox Saturday #2 – BATHROOM HANDS!!

Public restrooms. We’ve all had to use them at one point or another. Sometimes the urge will hit you when you’re out and about, and you just have no choice. It’s always slightly awkward using a public bathroom, because it’s embarrassing the things that might come out of us. One way to get over the anxiety, the way I did, is to realize that all people make the same sounds I do, so it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It just happens, so whatever. But that’s not the point of this Soapbox Saturday. It’s what happens AFTER the deed is done that’s truly bothersome to me.

So I go into a public restroom to use the bathroom. There might be one or two other ladies in there…whatever. I go into my little stall, take a seat, and let nature take its course. The person in another stall gets done. The toilet flushes, the door opens. Obviously the next sound I expect to hear is running water. But then the door opens. I didn’t hear running water before I heard the door open…


EWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! That is one thing that will send a shudder down my spine. I don’t know what you did in your stall, but I have a vague idea, and I don’t want to be touching anything your hands are touching after you’ve used the bathroom and not washed your hands! It seems common sense to me, but I guess not everyone can be bothered. There may be the few that prefer Germ-X to washing hands (and that’s a whole other post!), but I’m pretty sure most of the people walking out of that bathroom with unwashed hands are not using Germ-X! I mean, think of what could be on your hands, especially if you’ve had to sit a while (you know what I mean!). Gross! How could you NOT want to wash your hands?

At least, in a public restroom, chances are you won’t have to worry about touching anything the person with yucky hands is touching because it’s a store. Just use a towel to open the door. Oh, and kudos to the Stuart Walmart for being the only place I’ve seen with Germ-X right outside the bathroom doors!  But what do you do when the person who didn’t wash their hands is in your own house? A lot of houses are set to where, even if you don’t mean to, you can hear when the toilet flushes and when the sink comes on. And when you hear that toilet flush, but the door opens with no running water having been heard, what do you do then? It’s not like one adult can ask another, “Hey, did you wash your hands?” That doesn’t fly as well as it would if you were talking to, say, a child. You don’t want to embarrass the person, but how can you avoid touching them? And they’re going to be touching things around your house with unwashed bathroom hands…*gag*

Oh, Lysol, how I love thee! Let me count the ways:

1. Bathroom doorknob

2. Counter

3. Table

4. Chair

5. Remote


**This has been a Soapbox Saturday message. The intent of a Soapbox Saturday message is not to offend  or retaliate. It is meant as a light-hearted attempt at airing what ails you. If you would like to have your own Soapbox Saturday featured, email it to Remember Soapbox Saturdays are for entertainment and must not include cursing, crude, derogatory, or malicious content. **